21 Lessons From 2021 To Take Into 2022

Heather Larson
9 min readDec 27, 2021

There’s something in here for everyone. But if you’re a millennial or Get Z, let me give you a hand with all the stuff I learned the hard way this year! Here’s how to pick the right people, situations, and not waste your time in 2022!

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

1. Friends are everything — make sure you have the right ones.

We outgrow some people completely and merely grow away from others. It’s all OK. The idea is to create the best, most fun, and most supportive circle possible!

2. Share your goals with your inner circle.

Open up to your dearest friends and they will see the vulnerability, call you out when you stray off the path, and even give you a hand. Don’t be that secretive person who plays too close to the vest with everyone — that’s just insecurity.

Create an inner circle worthy of sharing your goals with because they have their own and hold themselves accountable. Those are the kind of people who will also hold YOU accountable for YOUR goals.

3. No one cares.

I mean this about your creative endeavors. The sooner you realize that no one cares what you’re doing, the more powerful you can be in your daily life. Often people are watching, and they DO care — but they…



Heather Larson
Heather Larson

Written by Heather Larson

Hi 👋 I’m Heather Larson! I’m data-driven content writer coming from traditional media. I’m a veteran broadcaster, radio personality, and journalist.

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