How Busy Creators Can Apply COMET Goals to Content Writing & Make It a Main Hustle

Heather Larson
2 min readFeb 22, 2022

Maybe content writing is your side hustle.

You know you’re passionate about making your content writing side hustle your MAIN hustle.

How to do it?

Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

Here’s a way you can put your content writing goals through the COMET framework, much the same way you’d use the SMART Method:

C — Consistency

O — Ownership

M — Meaning / Motivation

E — Effort

T — Toughness (but not toxic toughness)

How Can You Consistently Create Your Content Without Friction?

I failed at this and that held me back. I would have gotten farther faster with consistency!

Don’t make this same mistake.

How can you ship your writing consistently — preferably on a daily basis?

Decide. Then Take Ownership!

If you decide you’ll ship daily on Medium, for example, own it. Commit. Do whatever it takes to ensure you won’t miss your daily ship.



Heather Larson

Hi 👋 I’m Heather Larson! I’m data-driven content writer coming from traditional media. I’m a veteran broadcaster, radio personality, and journalist.