How to Make a Gratitude Jar for 2022

Heather Larson
3 min readJan 3, 2015

Here’s a simple way to take stock throughout 2022, make time for reflection, and reboot your gratitude practice after the roughness of 2020–2021.

The idea behind the gratitude jar is that you write something you’re grateful for down on a piece of paper when it happens. Get a promotion at work? Write it down and put it in the jar! Get engaged? Write it down and put it in the jar! Anytime you feel appreciative for a moment of your life, write it down and put it in the jar throughout 2022. Then, on December 31, 2022, you open the jar and take a look back at all you were…



Heather Larson

Hi 👋 I’m Heather Larson! I’m data-driven content writer coming from traditional media. I’m a veteran broadcaster, radio personality, and journalist.