I’m not here to feed the trolls

Heather Larson
3 min readJun 19, 2022

Here’s a message for the online bots, bullies, and trolls that content creators need to hear.

Ok, I get it now.

There’s a point as a content creator where you hit “just enough” followers online that people start being shitty to you. I’ve hit it.

This isn’t all of it, just some of it. This is the week it started.

It’s interesting to me because I was on air for years when social media was new and I didn’t take shit. Because people weren’t giving it then. People were kind.

I had 4K followers on Twitter then and Facebook—pages that have since dwindled with inactivity or been topedoed by yours truly so I could start fresh.

I ran the station’s content verticals and text club and whatever else. People were still fine online, but they’d blast me on the phone lines — as it was supposed to be. I was a radio personality; I was built to give it and take it.

I notice now people can generally be shitty in person, too. People seem unfriendly, tired, short, overwhelmed and can’t get off their phones in person.

It’s not just online.

I try to see the good in people. I really do. I’m certain all the 2-word comments on YouTube are bots because humans can’t be this dense. Or are they? Are these kids? Bots? Unwell lonely people sitting in…



Heather Larson

Hi 👋 I’m Heather Larson! I’m data-driven content writer coming from traditional media. I’m a veteran broadcaster, radio personality, and journalist.