Last Chance To Join 🚢 #Ship30for30 On The March Cohort With Us! Here’s Why Your Writing Needs You To Set Sail

Heather Larson
2 min readMar 4, 2022

I woke up today to see another person in my Twitter feed complaining they have writer’s block — and guilt about it.

Know what the antidote for that is?

Writing. So go write.

Photo by Maximilian Weisbecker on Unsplash

If You Need Help & Motivation to Get Yourself Writing, Join the Ship for:

  • A cohort-based learning program; a.k.a. new friends to hold you accountable
  • The best, most modern writing instruction from experts — I say this as someone who just spent TWENTY YEARS as a working journalist
  • Lessons on idea generation, digital writing, Twitter threads, headline writing, and more

The Ship Will Build Your Daily Writing Habit

More than that, you’ll learn why you need a daily writing habit!

Without shipping your daily writing, you will lack the data points necessary to find your niche.

Finding that niche is one of the many benefits of putting in the work during Ship 30, a 30+ day program that looks like a writing course but — for some — has really turned out to be a small…



Heather Larson

Hi 👋 I’m Heather Larson! I’m data-driven content writer coming from traditional media. I’m a veteran broadcaster, radio personality, and journalist.