Should You Do NaNoWriMo? Hell yes! But Don’t Stop There (I didn’t)

Heather Larson
2 min readOct 31, 2022

A year ago, I had no idea where “doing” NaNoWriMo would lead. I’d “done” it before but didn’t get very far. When I logged into my NaNo account for 2021, all my previous failed attempts stared me in the face.

It’s Easy To Say You’re Doing It, Harder To Say You DID IT

The same goes for marathon running, which I also did (more like suffered through).

Everyone wants to run a marathon and write a book. We’re in love with saying we’re doing it. The real magic comes with actually Finishing The Thing.

Why? Because clarity comes with completion.

Finishing NaNoWriMo Showed Me Writing Behind Closed Doors Sucks

For me. It sucks FOR ME. Don’t @ me, I don’t care.

Writing is a solitary activity. I sit in silence and write. There’s no glamour or romance. Sometimes, I get wild and play some music while I write. I know right? Edgy.

Writing without feedback or community kinda sucks. So I took it online.

Completing a Novel Led To My #ContentStorm

“Ok, I can write consistently each day, now what?”

I moved my daily writing practice online to a bunch of places that didn’t do too much for me as a writer:

  • Patron
  • Substack
  • Medium

My only intention was to write online for 90 days straight. Then, I found #Ship30for30. I ended up writing for six months straight…

Maybe it’s time to get back to that…but differently this time 😉

More in today’s newsletter/blog posted at

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



Heather Larson

Hi 👋 I’m Heather Larson! I’m data-driven content writer coming from traditional media. I’m a veteran broadcaster, radio personality, and journalist.