Why You Should Do Your Own 90-Day #ContentStorm
On December 1, 2021, I started a 90-day #ContentStorm in which I’d “storm” the Internet with my content for 90 days. Here’s how you do it:
Every single day, you write something online.
It doesn’t matter where you publish it, just that you publish it.
It Doesn’t Matter How Long The Writing Is
But you’ll get farther faster in publishing shorter things daily just for feedback, rather than spend a ton of time writing long pieces.
Even data is feedback.
Committing to the Process Will Change You In The Best Ways
Committing to writing daily for 90 days forces you to face your niche. Who are you as a writer?
You’re going to find out when you commit to a 90-day practice of writing — and publishing — online.
While there may be nothing special about your writing initially, the more you stick with this process, the more you stand out. That’s because…
Most People Can’t or Won’t Do a 90-Day Run Writing Online
The fact that you do this will make you stand out.