You Know What I Miss? Blogs.

Heather Larson
2 min readAug 11, 2022

Oh, I know I’m a part of the problem as I sit here and write yet another atomic essay 😉

But hear me out.

The other day someone asked me a question I had no answer for.

What Blogs Do You Read?

Well, I don’t, thankyouverymuch.

I used to, back in 2004. I can remember some of my daily haunts online from that golden period when the Internet started getting really good.

I went to look them up today and they’re gone.

Bloggers Moved On

I can still find my favorite writers — on Instagram and YouTube.

I also moved on in favor of micro-content, images, and videos. These are all new, advanced, more bite-sized, and current ways to communicate our ideas.

And why not? I learned to do this well. But you know what I miss?

I Miss Blogs

I miss reading deliciously good long-form writing for the sake of the reader who wanted to just enjoy it.

That was me. I was that reader! Now? We’re awash in :07 trends. Ugh. I hate myself.

Back In 2004, I Tried To Warn Us

It was an election year and I was writing audio/web stories for Westwood One.

The edict I was to follow said nothing longer than an :08 soundbite could exist on our wire.

But the election was more complicated than that, I’d protest. How can we encapsulate an entire candidate speech into mere seconds?

But here we are, in 2022. Have we forever lost the taste for deeper information? Are we forever after quantity over quality? Am I alone here?

I’ll keep making the long-form content — if only to feed my own soul.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



Heather Larson

Hi 👋 I’m Heather Larson! I’m data-driven content writer coming from traditional media. I’m a veteran broadcaster, radio personality, and journalist.